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Sometimes, its difficult to follow the path of the madness that lays inside of you…it really is…sometimes, you wonder whether its going to take you into the right direction or not, specially when youve got a history of bad results that came out of following your inner self…sometimes, life dosnt let you follow your inner moonlight…when life forces you to just exist, instead of live…for some people, its very simple to follow their heart, but some other people really have to struggle to follow that path, they have to pull themselves out of the chains that restrain them from following their heart’s desire…and thats a very difficult thing to do…i know what it feels like to not be able to follow that path, i know what it feels like to not have the ‘favourable conditions’ to follow that path, i know what it feels like to not belong to the place where your standing, to feel like running away from  it all but hard as you might try, you just cant…what it feels like to follow your inner moonlight only in your dreams and feeling the terrible ache of the reality when you open your eyes…


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