the other day i made an account on facebook because sitting all day at home in my bed i was really really bored and didnt know what to do….slowly and steadily i started receiving friend requests of people who used to be my classmates in school….these are those people with whom ive not spoken since i was 16 thats the time when i left my old school to join another one…im 21 now and it felt so kind of good? i cant write a word for what i felt after talking to them after so long but it was good…not that these people were my great friends or anything….infact i left that school for the  sole reason that i felt like i was suffocating in that environment….i had no good friends , my grades were dropping to an all time low, i was confused , my cheeks and forehead were covered with pimples, and i thought i looked ugly.

but still catching up with one of the girl who used to be my classmate when i was 14 felt good…..she told me that she still remembered the songs that we both used to sing in our spare time like glamorous by fergie and gimme more by britney spears which were newly out in 2007…she also told me that she still remembered how she used to get 1 out of 30 in maths and i was only a little ahead of her in the sense that i used to get 6 out of 30 in it! hehehe….towards the end of our conversation we mourned the loss of a guy who just passed away recently because of some kind of blockage in his heart….this guy was her first crush..i told her that i still remembered how immediately after school got over she used to go to her house and started chatting with him and they both chatted for the entire day…

so it was good i guess chatting with her after so long…i even got to know that shes doing the same course as me!…that was really cool…i asked her if shes still the same bony girl as she was when we were 14 and she replied yes… she still is that thin…we laughed over how i used to go on crash diets to be as thin as her without getting any result!…..we also talked about how being fed up of our marks we used to write suicide lettars and then used to throw it in the dustbin cuz we were scared about any of our family member reading it….she told me how stupid we used to be lol….we also remembered the one time when she stole 2 sleeping pills from her mother’s medicine box and gave one of it to me and the  took the other one herself…honestly, looking back at all these times we both felt really stupid lol….but we are grown up now…that was just a phase of my life and hers too…

i think ill stop here…thank you faceook  for making me feel good;)


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